Yes, the bug is on the list. Yes, it was the easiest question.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
I've Become a Fan of The Oatmeal
Yes, the bug is on the list. Yes, it was the easiest question.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
New Photos on the Club Site
I must confess, I was pleasantly surprised by the turnout.

On another note, the online option for payment of club dues has been updated to reflect the 2010 calendar year. For those of you who have already paid your 2010 dues (you know who you are), please DO NOT feel like you have to use the updated form. Your 2010 dues were received and are on record.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
You'd Better Watch Out

Now you know.
Doctor Dave Surfs the Web for You
These guys know a good time! I love the comment someone makes after a complete transaxle change. "Just a little road-side maintenance."
Shasta Snow Trip #9, 2009 - Friday from Gene Cornelius on Vimeo.
A rollicking rampage by VW bus in the dust bowl of Northern California, February, 2009, during one of the driest and dustiest Snow Trips in the nine years since its inception.
Complimented by the song "Undertow", used by permission from the album "Alektorophobia" by Eric McFadden & Wally Ingram. The edits were not necessarily authorized, however ...
Many thanks to the Newts who put up with my continuing efforts to obtain the footage of the Trip, as well as those who took on the pain and responsibility of the POV-cam!
For more information about the Shasta Snow Trip see and
Monday, December 7, 2009
Do We Know This Guy?
The bug shown in this piece on KSL has GOT to be salvageable. PLEASE tell me it can be saved:
Video Courtesy of
So remember: Slow down. Maintain following distance. Beware of Nissans. - Snow snarls traffic, excites winter sport enthusiasts (Gallery Viewer)
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Found on the "Interwebs"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
It's My Car (Sort Of...)
I hope my old blue bug looks and sounds this nice one day. In case the embedded file isn't working for you, here's a link to YouTube.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
In Case You Missed It
The Wasatch Classic VW Show is a unique little animal, and one I feel actually serves the community by providing something you just don't get everywhere. It's certainly a rare gem here in Utah. I'm extremely glad that there are consistently 70-80 VW enthusiasts each year that agree with me enough that the show happens. Apparently, though, it's not just us. I was pleasantly surprised when a haphazard Google search for all things "Wasatch Classic" turned up a glowing review of the 2009 show.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I Promise: The Newsletters Are Coming!
Hopefully, it should go without saying that December's meeting is on the 9th. The last two years we've asked club members to bring non-perishable food to be donated to the Food Bank, and we've given away a prize to the person who brought the biggest donation. Once again, this year we're asking club members to bring a Food Bank donation. In fact, if you want to bring a friend, I think it would be fair to give the prize to whoever brings the biggest food donation. Granted, the prize we're talking about is not anything super-expensive like a television set. Mostly, I'd just like to see us make a significant donation. See the December 2007 meeting.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Stolen in '74, '67 Bus Recovered in 2009

Customs agents found the 1965 van on Oct. 19 when they opened a shipping container bound for The Netherlands, The Spokesman-Review newspaper reported. They ran the vehicle identification number and discovered... Read the stolen van story
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
New Photos on the Club Site
Saturday, October 31, 2009
VGM Scours the Web for You: V8 Single Cab
Actually, now that Scott is driving that ride in particular, I imagine he could answer better than I :)
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Potential Outing in Park City Next April
Tom Smith of Park City writes: I work for an event management company and we have a group who would like to display a couple vintage german vehicles during a dinner at La Caille. The event is in April of next year and i would like to see if any of the group members would like to show off their vehicle.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
2009 Fall Cruise
Those of you who were not in attendance, the 2009 WVVW Fall Cruise would have been better with you there, and we hope to see you next time.