Sunday, December 13, 2009

New Photos on the Club Site

Pictures and commentary are now available on the Utah County VW club's web site (yeah; ours). I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "What? Already?? Club night wasn't even a week ago!" And I'd deserve it. Nevertheless, club night photos are up.

I must confess, I was pleasantly surprised by the turnout. Wasatch Vintage Volkswagens Utah classic VW club; December 2009Given the extremely frigid (for Utah) conditions, I feared we'd see maybe one or two cars. Instead, imagine my delight when we hit double digits (in people, anyway). Only five classic VWs showed, but like I said, it was "frickin' cold."

On another note, the online option for payment of club dues has been updated to reflect the 2010 calendar year. For those of you who have already paid your 2010 dues (you know who you are), please DO NOT feel like you have to use the updated form. Your 2010 dues were received and are on record.

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