Should I be surprised that the person improvising a hot tub using a plastic pool has an air-cooled V-Dub parked close by?
News and tidbits from the Wasatch Vintage VolksWagens club about club business and the Wasatch Classic VW Show.
We're not here to solve the world's problems with superior German engineering or march toward global air-cooled domination.
Whether you are a Volks-Nut convinced that the Creator of the Universe drives a '63 ragtop (and that nothing water-cooled is worth spitting on...) or you simply can't escape the shackles of I'd-buy-something-else-but-I'm-stuck-with-it-till-it's-dead-and-it-JUST-WON'T-DIE, or anything in between, our "agenda" is simple:
This car is part of our lives.
We get together and whine about clutches going out. We get together to laugh about getting clocked doing 60 and being genuinely amazed about it.
We get together to drive.
And although it's the old Volkswagen we love, we won't turn you away just because you're not fortunate enough to have one. If you can show up and bring a love for classic, German aircooled automobiles-for-the-people, we want you there.
--I found this in my dad's incredible paper stack of doom (a place where you can't find anything you need). Not sure who wrote it, but I thought it belonged here.
VW Club Cruise from aaroneous on Vimeo.